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Jazz Cash And Western Union Expand Access To International Remittance 

Posted by : Zakir Khan   Assestant Manager 
IT Department
The  Western Union Company, a leader in global payments services joined hands with JazzCash to enable the JazzCash customers to receive international money transfers sent through Western Union at Jazz Experience Centers and Mobilink Microfinance Bank Branches (MMBL).
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Aniqa Afzal Sandhu, Vice President, Digital and Mobile Financial Services, Mobilink, said, “JazzCash has always looked to provide the best digital and mobile solutions to meet the financial needs of its customers. With the addition of this service which enables the receipt of international money transfers through Western Union, we are adding a significant degree of convenience and reliability for families who rely on financial support from abroad to run their households.”
Asad Iftikhar, Senior Manager, Western Union Pakistan and Afghanistan, commenting on the alliance said that these are exciting times for the financial industry as mobile is playing a key role in enabling new financial services, which offers convenience of delivery     and added reliability.
“We are pleased to connect with JazzCash, to offer innovative money transfer services,” he added.